• info@healthandfitnessbenefits.com
  • +(417) 889-1088

Your Options, Our Services, and Your Health

Promoting Well-Being With Expert Help

Oncology Services

Hospitals provide comprehensive cancer care that includes radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery.


This surgical area focuses mostly on illnesses of the nervous system, particularly those affecting the spine and brain.

Lab for Cardiac Intervention

Focuses on diagnosing and treating heart conditions, including procedures like stent placement and angioplasty.

Primary Care

The initial point of engagement with the Health and Fitness Benefits system is frequently through primary care services.

Emergency Care

Emergency services are accessible around-the-clock to address serious and life-threatening illnesses, and injuries.

Health of Women and Children

Early detection, labor and delivery, and childhood checkups are all services connected to childbirth, pregnancy.